Plan for the future with The Vlasak Group

Personalized, attentive service with a unique focus on helping protect what you have built so that your family can continue to benefit from your legacy.

You never know what the future holds. That’s why it is essential you start preparing for tomorrow, today.

You have worked hard to build a successful foundation for yourself and your family. You have been blessed with a degree of success that few Texans attain. It is essential for you to put your trust in a professional that understands your wealth and can help you select the right plan for the future.

The Vlasak Group is a Texas-based insurance brokerage specializing in long-term care insurance, life insurance, and annuities. Founded by businessman Chad Vlasak, The Vlasak Group aims to help Texans protect their future with long-term insurance products that offer peace of mind and security.

choosing vlasak group

Why Texans trust The Vlasak Group

Attentive service. The most important thing we do is that we listen. We listen to you explain to us your wants and needs and craft solutions based upon what you tell us. We help you select the right options that will help you achieve your goals.

Personalized plans. Long-term care insurance, life insurance, and annuities can be very complex products. The Vlasak Group will assist you in navigating your options and choosing the right policy.

Power of choice. As an insurance brokerage, The Vlasak Group can get quotes from numerous insurance providers, leaving you in control of which policy you select.

By securing a policy through The Vlasak Group, you can:

  • Protect your retirement future. Make sure you have income and access to funds after your years of work are done.
  • Coverage for health expenses. From aging to catastrophic events, you want to make sure you and your family are not burdened with insurmountable health expenses.
  • Develop a care plan for the future. There is a good chance that you may need extensive support in the future to carry about daily activities. Ensure that a plan is in place to cover the costs.
  • Ease burdens in difficult times. It is going to be a difficult time for your family when you are gone. Mitigate the burden of final expenses.